Monday, June 30, 2014

Murphys leave the pack....

We have left the other lot now, with them enviously having more holidays and more time to explore than us. We headed off to the coast via Tom Price, Hammersley Gorge and Millstream - Chichester National Park. 

An amazing memorial site on a lookout hill just out of Tom Price, where people put rocks to remember their loved ones:

Hammersley Gorge - the camera went mad! The colours of the rock and the layers were incredible. This gorge was the most developed for tourists we have seen but we were somehow lucky enough to score being there alone. We had about half an hour before anyone else arrived. We've all heard the saying 'deafening silence' but this really was it. We climbed down to the pools and all that could be heard was the water.  So lucky! 

Some more sights along the way:

Views from the cliff top lookout at Millstream

We spent the night in Point Samson (the windiest part of WA!!), before parking in Karratha for a couple of days R & R. There are even things called shops here! 

Yesterday we visited Dampier, and think Dampier may actually mean 'place of red rocks'. Piles of them everywhere!  We saw our old mate Red Dog for the obligatory photos, and climbed some of those big piles of red rocks rocks to hunt out some indigenous rock art. 

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