Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tom Price, Mount Nameless, Mining & Parabadoo

Intrepid travellers drove 1016 meters above sea level up Mt. Nameless - highest drive able access in WA.  Brilliant views

4 girls and their Sherpa (Ken) ventured down the steep and onerous track. 

Next morning, 11 of the gang joined Baz the Bus driver to enjoy a guided tour of mine no. 2 at Tom price mining complex.  We were awed by the size of the machinery and shocked to hear that an entire mountain had been all but removed.  They use a million litres of diesal per week.  It was red, dusty and mind blowing - but no blasting today.  We all want to be train drivers and earn $250k per year!!

Followed by a fair amount of R & R.....

And some local visitors....

Beautiful drive to Parabadoo - mine, scenery, planes and a very big dump truck!!

Parabadoo Air port

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