Sunday, June 22, 2014

The next few days... exploring Alice, it's sights, it's hospitals, etc, etc, etc

For the past couple of days, we have explored Alice Springs and it's surrounds.  Well, some of us only did a little, some did a little more. 

Brendan and Carmel had a look at more of the tourist attractions and sights than us. We have had a couple of layabout days due to Mark not wishing to scare any small children he might meet.  He woke on Saturday with a nasty looking rash on his face that had quickly developed after a small bump on Friday - we thought he had been wind burnt at the Olgas but it turned out to be an infection. We explored a doctor's surgery and the ED dept at the hospital instead.  

We did head out to Simpsons Gap on Sat arvo and had a general look around town.  
Flynn's grave - RFDS

On Sat night we really did dine out this time, catching up again with Peter and Karen. Great to catch up again, especially listening to Karen's knowledge of Alice and Todd Mall from all the Imparja TV watched in Jamieson, particularly the songs. Lovely singing, really it was. 

Mark's rash was even worse Sunday so our day was very quiet. Carmel and Brendan took the opportunity to head off for the day to the East Macdonnell ranges. The story came back that Brendan took on a bull of some sort, apparently intending to slap it on it's behind. Tony Smith, do you know anything about why he would do this? 

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