Monday, June 23, 2014

Marble Bar to Eighty Mile Beach

Beach and a rest day were both sounding so good, we all took the dusty short cut, despite the temptation of being dust-free for a day.  We were so glad we did. I know we keep saying the scenery was amazing but it rally is. Through Shay Gap produced scenes out an old western movie and we expected the Indians to attack any time.  The photos don't do it justice at all. 

A desperate dash for emergency supplies had to be made by Mark and I. We had no beer! We turned left and headed to the 40k to Pardoo, whilst the others traveled on to the beach. That makes the emergency dash actually 90ks, then the beer was priced like gold $85 a slab of heavy! It was desperate though, so that makes it ok. 

Coincidentally, we are pulled in less than 100m from another Benalla crew at the caravan park,  including Jim's sister Joanie and Allan, Billy and Lorna, and Geoff and Ruth. 

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