Friday, June 13, 2014

Days 5 & 6 - Uluru and the Olgas

My apologies for not blogging over the last couple of days but the truth is, we couldn't be bothered really - we are on holidays!

On Wed, we headed for Yulara, unhooked and headed for that big, impressive rock in the middle of the country. It really is imposing on the landscape. As we drove up, I have to say that that song Rachel Pearce's friend wrote was in my mind a bit. It really is a very, very big, big rock, just as the song said. 😀 

Mark and Brendan had a crack at climbing the big rock.  Brendan made a fair effort before he succumbed to the disease of many there - slippery shoes. Even some 'locals' had the same issue so there was no shame on the day. However, he returned to base a shattered man (possibly slightly exaggerated but some author poetic license is surely allowed). Mark was impressive - he sprinted out of the blocks and scaled the huge hill with gusto. He made it part way along the chained section before feeling sorry for those of us waiting below, so came back down so we didn't feel bad. I even had a go at climbing - oh, I must've gone about 30 metres before doing my victory salute.

That dot half way up the hill is my husband - that's my man! 

On Wed night, we caught up with my cousin, Karen and her husband Peter.  They are on their own western jaunt. We had a wine or two before dinner and shared a few of our travel tales.  It was great to catch up along our way. Hope they can catch us again, although it is maybe unlikely, since we left a week and half after them so obviously our trailers must move much faster than their trakkadu does! 

Thursday morning saw us all out to the rock for a fizzer of a sunrise. Cloud spoiled the sunrise photo opportunities somewhat but it was still a very nice way to start our day. 

We spent that afternoon out exploring the Olgas. What huge rocks with awesome colours. Beautiful! 
The orange rock with the sun shining into the gorge was amazing. Very impressive place to visit.

Mark and I went back out to the rock, cameras in hand, for sunset. We wondered if it might be a bit of a fizzer like the morning but it definitely performed. No words needed really. 

I will put more photos up next week of everything. The dodgy camera - iPad attachment from eBay has let me down - an emergency one is on its way with the lot to follow. 

Our day was completed beautifully with the boys treating Carmel and I to dinner.  They took us to Ayers Wok to choose our own noodles, then collected the washing and headed to the warmth of the laundry. We had a cosy dinner for 4, listening to the tunes of the washers and dryers, reading magazines and playing with our technologies. See, a lot of you would never have seen this romantic side of our men. 

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