Monday, June 30, 2014

Murphys leave the pack....

We have left the other lot now, with them enviously having more holidays and more time to explore than us. We headed off to the coast via Tom Price, Hammersley Gorge and Millstream - Chichester National Park. 

An amazing memorial site on a lookout hill just out of Tom Price, where people put rocks to remember their loved ones:

Hammersley Gorge - the camera went mad! The colours of the rock and the layers were incredible. This gorge was the most developed for tourists we have seen but we were somehow lucky enough to score being there alone. We had about half an hour before anyone else arrived. We've all heard the saying 'deafening silence' but this really was it. We climbed down to the pools and all that could be heard was the water.  So lucky! 

Some more sights along the way:

Views from the cliff top lookout at Millstream

We spent the night in Point Samson (the windiest part of WA!!), before parking in Karratha for a couple of days R & R. There are even things called shops here! 

Yesterday we visited Dampier, and think Dampier may actually mean 'place of red rocks'. Piles of them everywhere!  We saw our old mate Red Dog for the obligatory photos, and climbed some of those big piles of red rocks rocks to hunt out some indigenous rock art. 

Spectacular Karijini National Park

What can you say - pictures say it all!!

We swam out to waterfalls at Fern Pool, in Dales Gorge

Lookouts and gorge walks - ' I've walked more in the last few days than the last 6 months!' Said Des O'Meara!  

Sunset at Joffre Gorge, beers in hand. 

Aboriginal art at Weana Gorge - well, skinniest my legs will ever be, anyway! 

And then at the Eco resort... Helen tried on a hat and then it started....

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Port Hedland to Karijini

Scenery, trucks and lots more....

Camp site on the way into Karijini

See all you non-campers.... what other luxuries could you need? 

Camp site at Dales Gorge.

Unfortunately Jim got tangled up with a pine post and did an injury.

Luckily Nurse Carmel and assistants were on hand to render First Aid - kits came from everywhere!!

Next day - Jim was ok and up to having a hearty breakfast - sore and sorry but ready to travel on.

A domestic goddess whipping up a little something for hubby's brekky that morning

On what side of the road was that grader Desi? A little hint.... the same side! 

Marble bar and wild flowers

More Spectacular colors of WA

Tom Price, Mount Nameless, Mining & Parabadoo

Intrepid travellers drove 1016 meters above sea level up Mt. Nameless - highest drive able access in WA.  Brilliant views

4 girls and their Sherpa (Ken) ventured down the steep and onerous track. 

Next morning, 11 of the gang joined Baz the Bus driver to enjoy a guided tour of mine no. 2 at Tom price mining complex.  We were awed by the size of the machinery and shocked to hear that an entire mountain had been all but removed.  They use a million litres of diesal per week.  It was red, dusty and mind blowing - but no blasting today.  We all want to be train drivers and earn $250k per year!!

Followed by a fair amount of R & R.....

And some local visitors....

Beautiful drive to Parabadoo - mine, scenery, planes and a very big dump truck!!

Parabadoo Air port

Monday, June 23, 2014

Eighty Mile Beach

We have struck gold at Eighty Mile Beach. It is beautiful here, although a little windy today. And the rest day is good too. The day has been spent in all sorts of ways. A spot of fishing, a walk on the beach, some shell collecting, some vehicle maintenance, some beer drinking....

Des doing it tough. He lost lots of bait but we haven't seen a fish yet! 

The girls relaxing. All was good until some arsehole dropped in. 

Mark not wanting to get sunburnt

The boys all went fishing but as you can see, Jim was the only one to catch anything! 
(Thank you Billy for the photo proof)