Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The best place on the west coast - Exmouth!

Congratulations Rachel and Troy on the birth of little Lachlan. Congrats too, to Louise and Darryl on being grandparents again so soon.  We all waited so long on this trip for this baby's arrival - great to hear the news - wish we were all still together to celebrate. Now, we are really not sure how the other group celebrated but.....


Things must be really happening with the tailenders at 40 Mile Beach. This photo has been sent through of a mermaid in her underwater garden.  H, you're really rocking it there - such a lovely little mermaid you are. There were other mermaids apparently, of which I also have photo proof, but I am expecting money not to publish. 

This, however, does make me a little suspicious of how they celebrated that baby's arrival. I just hope that pact hasn't been broken, Kaye!  Underwater garden?? Mermaids?? Yeah.....

For us......Exmouth - great beaches, great scenery, Ningaloo reef - just a place of beauty. We loved it! 

Turquoise Bay

The colour of the water unbelievable!

Sunset on the east (gulf) side

Today Carmel, Mark and I went on the glass bottomed boat to do some snorkelling on the reef. It was amazing. Loved every minute.  However, the downside for Mark is that now a go-pro camera is on the list before the next trip! 

Some fishies and some illuminated coral

A couple of cruisers beach driving at dusk

The U.S. Navy remnants from the '60s, hidden away behind the old base. A girl showed us after telling us about it. The whole thing was left intact apparently - Bar & Grill, bowling alley, practice dive centre, swimming pool complete with diving board and even a baseball diamond with the lights still there. Across the road were, of course, the single men and single women's separate quarters, still with the signs on. The story is in town the sheds at the base are still filled with American furniture from the '60s - when they left they left everything behind. It's like stepping back into Fonzie days - so wish we could've looked inside!  

Now I probably should explain the absence of blogging over the past week. The truth is that when we were planning this trip, not one out our 16 people thought to check dates of WA school holidays. This basically means a shortage of accommodation in towns with any phone coverage, and it's way too hard to do the blog whilst in the 'busy' seat during the day.  That is our excuse anyway - I'm not sure about the tailenders. 

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