Saturday, July 12, 2014

Down the Indian Ocean Road....

We decided to take the coastal road, since we now felt like we were getting too close to going home and needed to keep it interesting for as long as possible. 
First night, Dongara. Cute little place with a pub that serves cold drinks, the best and biggest menu of pub grub around and it was complete with a girl behind the bar who required money in a bucket to do a costume change.  I thought this meant it might provide her with a larger sized outfit, since the one she had on was a possibly a size too small (one of her nipples could be seen trying to escape), but she explained that the payment for costume changes actually went toward a school in Cambodia, for which she had already provided two pumps. Such a noble cause and possibly why she could only afford the tiny orange bra she changed into. We suggested sunglasses for Mark and Brendan, as I think they were finding it a bit glarey - their eyes were open wide anyway. 

The next stop was Cervantes, after working our way down the coast, through Green Head and Jurien Bay. The latter two were both beautiful places but Cervantes was probably the poor relation. The road overall is no Great Ocean Road but it's nice just the same. We were a bit surprised by the amount of little fishing huts / holiday huts so close to the beach - that would never be allowed at home! 

The pinnacles: quite amazing little pieces of rock

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