Saturday, July 12, 2014

Off east.... starting the trek to home

I am completing this part of the blog, sitting outside at home, in the sunshine, ironically feeling warmer than we did for the past couple of weeks on the road! 

It was cold once we hit the coast road, really. When we started to head east, it was even colder! Strangely, although cold, we seldom were rained on, thankfully. We seemed to dodge the rain. 

We went to Kalgoorlie, having had a freezing night at Southern Cross, where everything was frozen, and I mean everything! Below zero for the night - the second stop of the trip where the record lows connected with us. 

Everything except Brendan was frozen! Shorts! 

Kalgoorlie was an overnighter we could've stayed longer in. A fair bit still to go back one day to look at. The history in the buildings all through the wheat belt and gold arean was fantastic.  Sadly, we missed the brothel tour by half an hour or so, and there was no way they would do another one, which kind of said to us that maybe the madam and her girls were not to be messed with! Brendan was very upset. 
(They were after new girls!)

The super pit

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