Monday, July 28, 2014

Amazing valley of the Giants - Tingle Trees

'Boutique' campground and supposed cabin accomodation - very cosy for 6 of us - but a great camp kitchen.

6 beds, 5 pillows, 2 towels, 1 tea towel and not much else!

Stunning scenery ...

Tall Tingle Trees 

Karri Trees too

Very Impressive reflection wall at Sawbrick- took photos of ourselves taking photos - if you can understand!

Tree Top Walk - 40 metres up on swaying (white knuckles for some) suspended bridges - fantastic

Geoff couldn't help himself - was jumping to make it sway more!!

Can you spot Foxy?

Surfs Up at Wave Rock

Preparing for our day at Wave Rock - great accomodation and Shenanigans getting dinner ready...

While the boys psyched themselves up.....

Then we all sat down for a home cooked meatloaf and veggies dinner.

Wave rock and surrounds were Impressive and the was more to see than we expected.


Followed by walk to Hippos Yawn - Helen & Des

Geoff thought it was an ampertheatre -

And then Geoff shooting the pipeline at Wave Rock

An impressive walk across the top of the rock too.

Hyden creative handwork describing the towns history - junkyard art

Lucky for Darryl mechanics don't work in these conditions now....

Mullahs Cave just out from Hyden - over 300 handprints from early times!

White kangaroos at the Wave Rock Resort!!

Adventures in Perth

Perth was fabulous - best presented City Geoff has ever seen!!

Kings Park & the war memorial.

The Bell Tower

Rottnest Island.

Segway Adventurers .....

Jurien Bay, Stockyard Gully Caves, & Pinnacles

Jurien Bay provided Rain, rain and more rain. Wet, Wet, Wet.

A Flooded caravan park and shopping centre - but the intrepid adventurers were determined to continue their exploration and went looking for caves.  

One group found the Drovers Caves - 

But .... Foxy,  Lou & Darryl could not find the limestone caves just near Jurien Bay!!

We found limestone - but no cave

We met Bridget & Jeff in Lancelin for lunch on our way to Perth