Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cape Arid and across the Nullarbor Plain

Des and Helens friend Jo is a ranger at Cape Arid, and she and her partner Ross were fantastic showing D & H around the national park and telling us lots of info.  View from their rangers house is amazing - nice warm evening spent there with drinks and nibbles before heading back to our cold camp site!!

The weather was wild and seas huge the few days we were there.

We did an amazing walk to Dolphin bay - H & Des saw dolphins there the day before - and tried out luck at fishing of the rocks. Des caught one first cast - but no more followed 😖

Des and Rob both had to do tyre changes

Then we headed across the Parmango dirt road - rough but interesting drive.

Saw an historic Homestead Deralinya that is gradually being restored

But decided against sleeping there for obvious reasons !! Not to mention resident 4 m python Jo told us about!

Des decided he needed to be in front so passed us all on the RH side with a big grin in his face!

Resulting in a very dirty car car or two

Rob had fuel filter problems - all fixed now though 

Just where is Caiguna Blow Hole Rob?

After turning off at sign post, and Rob reading the info board we could not find it.

Had a really nice bush camp tho - then next morning there it was, right next to the sign Rob had read!!

Zombies award for you Rob.

Geoff had taken his wedge on the trip waiting to hit a golf ball across the Nullabour.
He and Des decided to play the hole at Madura.  Des went first.......

Only problem was he hit the cement a bit hard and the wedge came off the shaft and went flying with the golf ball - too funny!!  No golf for poor Geoff. 😨

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